Xavier Güell and Jacinta Cremades in conversation with José María Beneyto

Celibidache, Bernstein and Ferrara have been some of those who have taught the art of conducting to Xavier Güell, who led prestigious orchestras including the Los prisioneros del paraíso and La música de la memoria. He has recently published Si no puedes, yo respiraré por ti, the first instalment in a tetralogy about a group of musicians who aim to survive and work in a Europe dominated by totalitarianisms. This first part of the War Quartet is dedicated to the Hungarian composer Béla Bartók.

Jacinta Cremades is a journalist, translator and lecturer in Language and Literature. He has recently published his first novel, Regreso a París, which reflects historical events such as May ’68 and women’s emancipation, told through the stories of three women.

Güell and Cremades will talk to the lecturer, lawyer and writer José María Beneyto, whose books include Los elementos del mundoEl espía que engañó a Hitler and Tragedia y razón. Europa en el pensamiento español del siglo XX.


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